Getting Started with BPV

Inform yourself about the group. Make sure that you read our Terms & Conditions. If you agree, proceed. Join our Facebook Group if you are on Facebook. Register on this site to be able to see events, and participate. You must attend one of the BPV events to complete your registration. Black People in Vienna is a social networking […]


Black People in Vienna was started by Denise VanDeCruze in the fall of 2015 as a social group to connect black people with each other. The group quickly grew as on Facebook and has multiple regular monthly gatherings including a movie night, a women’s brunch and an After-Work mixer. The group also gets together for […]

Past Book Club Reads

Here is a summary of all of the books that we read and discussed in pre-2020 in the Vienna Black Book Club. Our members suggested books that we voted on. The book club became our most attended meetup in pre-2029 and drove engagement in the larger group. 2019 Month Book Author Cover February Brit(ish) Afua […]

2020 Book Club Books

Here is a summary of all of the books that we read and discussed in 2020 in the Vienna Black Book Club. Our members suggested books that we voted on. The book club became our most attended meetup in 2020 and drove engagement in the larger group. Month Book Author Cover January Falling in Love […]

We Dey X Space

WE DEY means WE ARE* Vienna is a place where the contemporary art scene mostly focuses on white perspectives. Artists of Colour and Black artists are kept mostly isolated from the contemporary art scene. On rare occasions, they are invited into these spaces but under a specific framework of having to fulfil white desires for “exotic” bodies […]

Black Lives Matter FM

Black Lives Matter FM ist das Resultat sämtlicher Faktizitäten, wonach unschuldige Afro-Amerikanische Jugendliche von der Polizei einfach erschossen oder zu Unrecht ins Gefängnis gesteckt werden, und hier in Österreich, das zwei „Cold Cases“ von Marcus Omofuma und Sheibane Wague zu verbuchen hat und andere, denen manchmal wegen einer Lappalie im Gewahrsam der Polizei Gewalt angetan […]

Fresh – Black Austrian Lifestyle Magazine

Das fresh-Magazin stieß 2014 in eine Lücke in der Medienlandschaft. Das Magazin, das größtenteils von Schwarzen Österreicherinnen und Österreichern gestaltet wird, hat auch einige personelle Änderungen vollzogen. fresh wurde von der Journalistin Clara Akinyosoye geleitet, sie wird Mitherausgeberin. Die Redaktionsleitung hat nun Vanessa Spanbauer inne, die davor bereits stellvertretende Chefredakteurin war. Mehr Information Vanessa Spanbauer […]

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