Black History Month 2021

women lying near to a multicolored glass window close up photography
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on

“My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.”

—Desmond Tutu
calm young black guy leaning on wall with rainbow flag graffiti
Photo by Anete Lusina on
baby approaching men s black sunglasses
Photo by Biova Nakou on
fashion photography of woman hands on chin with glitter makeup
Photo by 3Motional Studio on

The extended quarantine has prevented us from sharing common spaces. Now, more than ever, Black history Month 2021 is an opportunity to shine a light on our stories, for there is still light, joy and beauty among the black diaspora. 

Black History Month is a time to focus on retelling and sharing the mosaic of stories that make up the Black experience. By speaking honestly and truthfully; we can decolonise history, culture, health practices, business and more. Let’s come together to celebrate our strengths and claim the stories of all Black perspectives.

Black History Month 2021 is also a time to explore unconventional solutions and future possibilities. Black artists, activists and historians have always documented the history and achievements of Black people wherever they were, and Austria is no exception. 

This Black History Month, the Black People of Vienna group will organise an online programme of events to gather, celebrate, laugh and learn:

Feb 3: The Black Map: Building and supporting Black business everywhere

Feb 10: Black Women* Manifesting: Intersectionality in strength, healing, joy

Feb 13: Book Club: Sharing personally inspiring reads

Feb 17: Mental Health & Wellness: Mental, physical, spiritual, more.

Feb 19: Film Night: Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom

Feb 20: Black Voices in Opera

Feb 24: Black Creatives: Experiences of making a mark and taking up Space 

Feb 27: Final Celebration with Live DJ set

By sharing these perspectives the Black People of Vienna group hopes to provide narratives to share more widely– in museums, galleries, schools, universities, public spaces and communities.

Black people have always made history and always will– but it’s equally important that Black people take the lead on how that history is discovered, explored, researched, recorded, archived, curated, exhibited and shared.

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